Take select UD courses online
Online courses allow high school students the flexibility to take introductory-level UD classes in cooperation with their high school and extracurricular schedules. Taught by faculty who are available to answer questions and provide assistance via email, phone or in person, students have the opportunity to explore subjects not typically covered in high school classes. Online courses are accessed on the web through Canvas, the University of Delaware’s learning management system. Proctored examinations are administered at the respective high schools.
As a student in a fully online program, you are exempt from University of Delaware’s COVID-19 Vaccination and Booster mandates. If you plan to physically access any UD facilities while UD’s COVID-19 Vaccination and Booster mandates are in effect, you must fully comply with the mandates. For additional information about UD’s COVID-19 policies, see udel.edu/coronavirus.
Recommended academic preparation
- Requirements to participate
- Technical considerations
- Course credit
- Disability accommodations
- Academic dates and deadlines
- To change registration/grading status
- Online course fee
- Online courses available through dual enrollment
- Requesting transcripts of final grades
- Questions about the UD Dual Enrollment Program
Recommended academic preparation
UD recommends that interested students meet these academic readiness requirements:
- a high school grade point average of 3.6 or above
- a minimum SAT or PSAT score of 600 verbal and 600 math
- successful completion of rigorous high school classes, such as advanced placement, honors or international baccalaureate classes
Requirements to participate
- Students should contact their high school guidance counselor or school official to see if their school participates in the UD Dual Enrollment Program.
- Students will need the recommendation of their school representative to participate. The representative will coordinate enrollment with the University through its Professional and Continuing Studies ACCESS Center.
- Once enrolled in University of Delaware courses, students are subject to University of Delaware policies and procedures and will have a University of Delaware academic record.
Technical considerations
- View an orientation for Canvas. If using a smartphone or tablet to navigate the site, please launch it in either Chrome or Safari.
- Confirm the technical requirements to take an online course.
Course credit
Course expectations – Typically, students should expect to spend two to three hours per credit every week on work for each course. Since most University courses are three credit hours, this translates to at least six hours of study time per week in addition to time spent viewing lectures. Professors will provide students with a course syllabus that details course expectations and due dates for assignments and assessments.
Course credit – If a course is taken for a grade, it counts as college-level credit, and the earned credits and the grade will be reflected on the student’s University of Delaware transcript. Consult the University’s Grading Policy for further details.
Each institution has its own policies regarding transfer credit and how it may apply toward a degree. The University of Delaware cannot guarantee that another college or university will accept these credits, although they are typically accepted with a grade of C or better. It is recommended students check with any institutions they plan to attend regarding their transfer credit policies and procedures.
Disability accommodations
For information regarding requesting disability accommodations for the dual enrollment courses, please consult the Office of Disability Support Services.
Academic dates and deadlines
Please refer to the University’s Academic Calendar for the most up-to-date information.
Fall 2023 semester: Aug. 29-Dec. 11 (final exams: Dec. 13-17)
- Drop/Add Period: Aug. 29-Sept. 12
Courses dropped during this time will not show up on the academic record (transcript). Students may also change grading status to pass/fail or listener/audit.
- Withdraw/Change of Registration Period: Sept. 13-Nov. 13
Courses withdrawn will receive a withdrawal (W) on the transcript. A withdrawal will not negatively affect the academic record or grade point average. Students may also change grading status to pass/fail or listener/audit.
- Late Withdraw/Change of Grading Status: Nov. 14-Dec. 11
Changes to the academic record at this point typically require extenuating circumstances. Please contact Michelle Parnell at mparnell@udel.edu to discuss this further.
Spring 2024 semester: Feb. 5-May 16 (final exams: May 18-22)
- Drop/Add Period: Feb. 5-16
Courses dropped during this time will not show up on the academic record (transcript). Students may also change grading status to pass/fail or listener/audit.
- Withdraw/Change of Registration Period: Feb. 17-Apr. 29
Courses withdrawn will receive a withdrawal (W) on the transcript. A withdrawal will not negatively affect the academic record or grade point average. Students may also change grading status to pass/fail or listener/audit.
- Late Withdraw/Change of Grading Status: Apr. 30-May 16
Changes to the academic record at this point typically require extenuating circumstances. Please contact Michelle Parnell at mparnell@udel.edu to discuss this further.
To change registration/grading status
- Contact Michelle Parnell at mparnell@udel.edu to request a change of registration/grading status.
- It is the responsibility of students to initiate this process. Failure to drop/withdraw from courses within the designated time frame may result in receiving a failing grade on the UD academic record.
- It is recommended that students also alert their schools to any change in their registration/grading status.
- Further information regarding grading and options are in the Undergraduate Catalog.
Online course fee
Enrollment in the UD Dual Enrollment Program is available through a special negotiated rate with Delaware school districts. Students are responsible for paying tuition directly to their high school for each three-credit course. The cost for UD Dual Enrollment Program courses, per student, is $500 per course.
Online courses available through dual enrollment
Following is the list of the fall 2024 University of Delaware online courses that have been designated for the UD Dual Enrollment program. Course availability is subject to change each semester.
- ANTH101: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3 credits) – Introduces the concepts, theories, and methods of cultural anthropology, a field of study that examines the diversity of human societies and the dynamics of culture. Students learn to think cross-culturally about contemporary social problems and how to address them. The course covers topics such as identity, gender, family, ritual, politics, health, and the environment, and offers knowledge and approaches that are directly applicable in daily life and a wide variety of careers.
- BUAD100: Introduction to Business (3 credits) – Survey of basic business concepts designed for non-business majors. Topics covered include understanding the business environment, management and organizational behavior, marketing, and operations management, with coverage of international business and business ethics.
- HDFS202: Diversity and Families (3 credits) – Examination of diverse families in the United States with a focus on issues of race, ethnicity, social class and gender. Emphasis is on the accelerating effects of globalization and social change.
- NTDT200: Nutrition Concepts (3 credits) – Functions and sources of nutrients, dietary adequacy, energy balance and metabolism with emphasis on health promotion. Includes weight control, evaluation of popular diets, vegetarianism, eating disorders, alcohol, other current issues and concerns in nutrition.
Requesting transcripts of final grades
University of Delaware students access their records to view and print unofficial grade reports (transcripts) and request official transcripts, as the University does not automatically send this information to students. Upon completion of courses, students should refer to the information below to provide their schools with their final grades.
Questions about the UD Dual Enrollment Program
Contact your high school guidance counselor or the University of Delaware ACCESS Center at access-advise@udel.edu or 302-831-8843.